Today is Andy and my 9th Anniversary. WOW 9 years can you believe how time flies when your having fun. I'm going to reminisce, nine years ago today was a great day. Everything was perfect. The perfect day, perfect dress, perfect place, the perfect man for me.
Our first date was four-wheeling up with Travis at his cabin for the day. On the 2 hour drive up to the cabin I got to know Andy I was very impressed with him , he was intriguing. He had this goodness that he radiated(I get to feel that goodness every day), and he was so fun, and so good looking(and still is). That was the funnest date I had ever been on. It fun to think back.
Now nine year later I have this wonderful man that I get to see every day. Andy is a wonderful husband and a exceptional Father. He has given me a great life. I'm so glad we get to grow old together, he is my best friend, and greatest blessing from god.
Happy Anniversary Andy I love you!!!